August 19, 2004

The Everlasting Gospel

"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." [Mark 1:1 ESV]

I’ve never read the phrase "the end of the gospel of Jesus Christ" in the Bible. Have you? I think that’s because there isn’t one. Here’s what I mean: the gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news about Jesus Christ—the good news not just about His long-awaited appearance on the world scene, but the good news about who He is and what He is like. And since Christ is infinite, there will always be something new (to us) to learn about Him, and since He is God, what we learn of him will always be good. There will never be a time when God begins to reveal Christ to us, only to later say "...and that's about it; that's all I've got--the end." There will simply (amazingly) be no end!

When we first hear the gospel of Jesus, it is only the beginning. To become a Christian means to embark on a never-ending journey of joy and pleasure in observing and rejoicing in the excellence of the Son of God. Can you imagine that? Try! I dare you to imagine a feast of the mind, heart, and senses wherein each course of revelation is more delicious and more satisfying than the last! Can you imagine the heights of joy? The peaks of wonder? The elation of God’s people delighting in the beauties of Jesus--for ages upon ages without end?

The exciting part of this story is that we can get a glimpse of this experience now in the Word, "which testifies of [Christ]." [John 5:39, KJV] The gospel is the subject not just of eternity, but of the Bible. The whole point of the Bible is to reveal Christ to us. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that "…now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now [we] know in part; then [we] shall know fully, even as [we] have been fully known." We are blessed with the privilege of knowing (at least) in part, and seeing (at least) in a glass darkly. So what are we waiting for?

Have you feasted on the gospel of Jesus Christ today? It is truly good news—indeed, it is the best news! What else is worth your precious time?

Suggested Reading:
Jonathan Edwards, The Excellency of Christ