September 23, 2004

This week I'm going to refer you to some excellent articles I came across a few days ago on with ATF this weekend, it's been a mad house this week. We'll be taking over 130 people this year!!

Article 1: The Hazards of Reading on a Battlefied - Walt Russell
Mr. Russell writes on authorial intention--that the meaning of a text is meant by its author--and the implications of this truth. (This article is the first of a four-part series, which aims to help us read our bibles well. I recommend them as well).

Article 2: What Is Truth and Why Does it Matter? - J. P. Moreland
In this article, Mr. Moreland does an excellent job of answering the question posed in his title, and leads through a discussion about the 'correspondence theory of truth:' that something is true when it corresponds accurately with something in reality.

Article 3: Postmodernism and the Christian Life: Part 1 - J. P. Moreland
This is an excellent summary of postmodern thought. Mr. Moreland groups the basics of postmodern thinking into six statements, then explores them briefly. Very good.

Article 4: Postmodernism and the Christian Life: Part 2 - J. P. Moreland
Mr. Moreland follows up his previous article with an "[analysis of] four aspects of postmodernism that bear on the possibility of successful Christian growth and discipleship."

They're each a bit more in-depth on nearly everything we talked about at the last ONELIFE. Very, very important--and very, very good!